Satellite Information

3ABN is available worldwide on digital satellite. This page provides an overview of the options. The table at the top is for North America only. If you live outside North America, please scroll down the page to the section International Satellites. Be sure to read the footnotes, which provide important details. For technical questions, please see our satellite FAQ.

Satellite Links

    Satellite Coverage Map (International)

    Satellite Parameters


    DishPointer Instructions


  1. Visit
  2. Enter your street address, and hit the “Go!” button.
  3. Note: You should see the Google map update to your location.
  4. Click #3 97W Galaxy 19 (G-19) from the list “Most Popular Satellites in USA”
  5. Note: Your location, satellite date and dish setup data should all update below the Google map.

North America Satellite Systems

System Hardware Cost Monthly Cost Channels Available
Dish None (does not include installation)
See Note 1
$91.99/mo for a 2yr fixed rate for basic package; America's Top 120 3ABN
SDAdish $195 + (does not include installation) None Need Info
Build Your Own
See Note 2
Varies None Varies
Note 1: DISH hardware is usually free. 3ABN is available on all new DISH Network installations with any package that carries the “public interest” channels, including the following packages: DishFAMILY, America’s Top 120/200/250, America’s Everything Pak, DISH America, and Welcome Pack. To receive 3ABN, one dish must be oriented to pick up the signal from either the satellite at 61.5° (for the eastern U.S.) or at 129° (for the western U.S.). All DISH Network subscribers with the HD channels already have the correct setup to get 3ABN. If you have a 2-dish system from DISH, it should be ready to receive 3ABN as is. Then simply select channel 267, and start enjoying 3ABN! If you have an older DISH Network system with only one satellite dish (such as DISH 300 or DISH 500), you will need an additional or upgraded dish to watch 3ABN.

Note 2: You need an FTA (Free-to-Air) MPEG-II (MPEG-2) DVB-compliant receiver, along with the dish hardware, etc., that has a clear line of sight to one of the satellites carrying 3ABN. In North America, we recommend a 75 cm or larger satellite dish; a smaller dish may work, but the signal will die more easily due to rain fade. Check out the satellite coverage map to see which satellites cover your area. See our satellite parameters page for basic receiver settings and a list of the 3ABN channels available from each satellite. Please note that technical support for people who build their own system is very limited; most likely we will not be able to give you detailed, step-by-step instructions for how to program or reprogram your receiver.

Satellite Coverage Map

Each of the colored regions on the map represents a satellite coverage area. Each of these satellites carries one or more 3ABN channels. Some of the satellites carry all of 3ABN’s broadcast channels, others carry less. See our satellite parameters page for a list of the 3ABN channels available from each satellite.

1 - G-19 | North America

3ABN, 3ABN Radio, 3ABN Radio Music, 3ABN Latino Radio

2 - DISH – Ch. 267 | United States


3 - G-18 | North America


4 - IS-21 | North, Central, and South America, Europe

3ABN Latino

5 - Express AT 1 | Russia

3ABN Russia

6 - Express AT 2 | Eastern Russia

3ABN Russia

7 - VAST, Ch 603 | 3ABN Australia

3ABN International / 3ABN Radio Australia channel 605

8 - IS-19 (KU Band) | Australia, New Zealand

3ABN International, 3ABN Radio, 3ABN Australia Radio

International Viewers

See our satellite parameters page for basic receiver settings and a list of the 3ABN channels available from each satellite.

Please note that technical support for people who build their own system is very limited; most likely we will not be able to give you detailed, step-by-step instructions for how to program or reprogram your receiver. We can provide the basic parameter settings; however, because the setup procedure is different for each system on the market, we cannot provide step-by-step instructions for all of them. A professional dish installer in your area should be able to help you.