3ABN - Three Angels Broadcasting Network


3ABN is the “Mending Broken People” family of networks. Each of our network channels contains original programming you won’t find anywhere else! Our television and radio programming is designed to reach into the hearts and lives of each listener, addressing their everyday problems and most urgent needs, and sharing the good news of salvation by grace through Christ, and His soon return.

3ABN | Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN) is dedicated to proclaiming the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14 as God’s messages of grace to a lost and dying world! Through a variety of Christ-centered programming, 3ABN offers hope on a wide range of topics for all ages. From Bible teaching, uplifting Christian music, and children's programs, to cooking, healthy living, and family issues, 3ABN offers inspired and life-saving solutions from our Creator God.

3ABN President:

Greg Morikone |Contact| Administration

3ABN Dare to Dream Network

3ABN Dare to Dream Network is 3ABN's "Urban Christian Lifestyle Television." Crime, poverty, substance abuse, the erosion of the family unit, and chronic health concerns are just a few of the challenges urban residents face. Dare to Dream designs programming that addresses these issues, with practical tools for living, and a spiritual perspective.

3ABN Kids Network

3ABN Kids Network is a channel for kids of all ages! Featuring 24/7 Christ-centered programming, it provides a great way for children to learn more about Jesus. Enjoy the fun crafts, stories, science experiments, cooking demos, music, nature programs, and much more. Please visit the 3ABN Kids Network website, 3abnkids.tv for more details.

3ABN Kids Network General Manager:

Francine Bergmann

3ABN Français Network

3ABN Français Network exists to bring the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14 to the 220 million French-speaking people of the world. We reach those who are searching for meaning and answers to life’s most difficult questions with inspiring programs and anointed speakers. Working with the Holy Spirit, we point our viewers to Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer.

3ABN Français existe pour apporter le message des trois anges d'Apocalypse 14 aux 220 millions de francophones à travers le monde. Nous nous adressons à tous, à ceux qui cherchent des réponses aux questions les plus difficiles, à ceux qui cherchent un sens à leur vie. Chaque jour nous diffusons des programmes inspirants avec des conférenciers consacrés. Guidés par le Saint-Esprit, nous travaillons et orientons nos spectateurs vers Jésus-Christ, notre Sauveur et Rédempteur.

3ABN Français Network General Manager:

Moses Primo

3ABN Latino Network

3ABN Latino Network provides inspiring and Christ-centered programming for nearly 700 million people who speak Spanish and Portuguese throughout the world. Our viewers can now enjoy the Christ-centered preaching, teaching, and children’s programs produced in their native tongues. In addition, 3ABN Latino Network broadcasts many live events from many countries throughout the Americas.

3ABN Latino General Manager:

John Dinzey

3ABN Proclaim! Network

3ABN Proclaim! Network is Three Angels Broadcasting Network’s preaching and teaching channel. Each day, we feature powerful sermons that will stir your soul, as well as practical counsel for your daily walk with Jesus. Tune in, and enjoy deep and life-changing messages that will inspire you to boldly go forth and proclaim the goodness of God!

3ABN Russia Network

3ABN Russia Network began as the result of a massive evangelistic series held in 1992 in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. To date, 3ABN Russia’s studios have produced thousands of high-quality television and radio programs that uplift Jesus Christ and bring salvation and peace to viewers everywhere. From innovative youth programs, delightful children’s programming, and powerful preaching, 3ABN Russia has something for everyone!

Телекомпания "Три Ангела" в России была создана в результате масштабной евангелизационной программы, состоявшейся в Нижнем Новгороде в 1992 году.

На сегодняшний день в студиях телекомпании "Три Ангела" выпускаются тысячи высококачественных телевизионных и радиопрограмм, которые прославляют Иисуса Христа и повсеместно несут телезрителям спасение и мир.

От новаторских молодежных и занятных детских до сильных богословских и социальных программ - российская телекомпания "Три Ангела" предлагает передачи на любой вкус, каждый найдет для себя нечто интересное.

3ABN Russia General Manager:

Julia Outkina

Mailing address: 603028, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, PO Box 9

3ABN International Network

3ABN International is broadcast across Europe, Africa, Asia, and Oceania via satellite, and world-wide via the internet. It carries many of the same programs as 3ABN, with additional programs from 3ABN Australia and other ministries located outside of the Americas.

3ABN International Network General Manager:

John Malkiewycz

3ABN Praise Him Music Network

The 3ABN Praise Him Music Network is currently being developed to worship God, encourage His people, and lead the world to Christ through Christian music and testimony. John 12:32 says that if we lift up Jesus Christ, He will draw all men to Him. This is our goal as we develop new programs for this network!

3ABN Canada

Three Angels Broadcasting Network Canada is dedicated to proclaiming the undiluted three angels’ messages of Revelation 14 as God’s message of grace to a lost and dying world. 3ABN Canada offers hope through Christ-centered programming on a wide range of topics for all ages. From solid Biblical teaching to encouraging Christian music, to youth music videos and youth scripture songs, from children’s programs to healthy living to family matters, 3ABN Canada offers life-saving answers to all who watch. Our goal is to proclaim Jesus and the truths in His Word with clarity, conviction and compassion, that many will accept Him as Lord of their lives and then share that truth with others. In so doing, we seek to hasten His soon return.